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Getting started with Cloud Applications: Web Hosted Environments for User Accessibility

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Cloud Development

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet.

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Getting started with Cloud Applications: Web Hosted Environments for User Accessibility

Cloud applications come in different flavours and they can run on different platforms or infrastructures, based on a customer's preferences or a business' needs. Software engineers can develop static or data-driven websites in PHP, HTML5, and jQuery to be deployed to a hosted CPanel. Likewise, they can configure web development placeholders to create CMS sites such as Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress that can be run in an Intranet environment or a publicly accessible hosted environment. Software developers can also build enterprise web apps in ASP.NET with CSharp, and ADF apps using Java to be promoted to a company's web server or Cloud Service. Whatever the case may be, there is going to be a running web server service that is available twenty four hours a day (i.e Cloud Service) to keep systems running, so that users, from their own computer or device, can reach a PHP website, CMS site, ASP.NET or ADF web app as needed using a web browser. Obviously, with each type of "Cloud Service" there is going to be an advantage or disadvantage. We are going to go through examples of each type of service that application developers have at their disposal for promoting and deploying web applications, to understand the benefits of well-known platforms/infrastructures and their commonality.

Having a cloud service to do the heaving lifting for a newly developed website or app is a big advantage to developers. After working really hard to develop a PHP website in a development environment, a developer or software engineer's next best step is to deploy it to production, so the public can access it. The platform on which the application is housed is important in this case. All good things do have some obstacles... depending on traffic, a developer might need to keep in mind that heavy user activity may impede the website's ability run well; the hosted web server may not be able to accept the load in production. Assuming the site is a data-driven website, requiring a lot of database calls, the hosted wedsite could run into some problems. For this reason, regardless the type of application that is being built, a decision has to be made beforehand, as to what platforms or infrastructure will be used that will give a developer the best chance at succeeding with an application's launch. And it does not end there, there is also a "lack of service or no service" issue with the platform or instrastructure being used to service the website or web application. Completely relying on a Cloud Service to host sites does not mean that there is never going to be some interuptions.

Companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and others who provide Cloud Services may also experrience their own downtime. Which means that your users may lose connectivity sometimes. But these companies are large and have redundancy in place in case some servers go down. Unless there is an issue with power where every service is affected, your websites, web apps will always be accessible. In some cases, an IT shop or application development firm may choose to host their own sites. Some businesses, large or small, could have in place and IT department that manages their web servers to host their inward-facing or outward-facing websites or applications. These businessess or companies may do this either to maintain control of their environment or they may prefer to manage their own environment because of security purposes, especially when it comes to protecting user or company data.

While it is prudent for companies or businesses that are concerned about security to maintain and manage their own web hosting environments, they might find it advantageous to use a Microsoft Cloud or IBM Cloud service instead since these companies are proven Cloud Service providers. They are heavy weights in cloud servicing, they already have security settings in place to safeguard platforms and environments, and they have the manpower and capacity to keep an eye on security 24/7. Businesses or small IT shops also may not have the resources to even come close to achieving what IBM or Microsoft Cloud can provide. Furthermore, businesses that leverage the accessibility of web hosting companies, especially businesses that are running smaller applications in PHP, HTML5 and so on, can take comfort in the fact that security from a web hosting provider is at the forefront of their services.

Keep in mind that even the most popular web hosting companies like GreenGeeks, SiteGround, GoDaddy, and others are using some form of Cloud Service, starting with Microsoft's Azure Cloud Service, Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). CMS websites or ASP.NET web apps all around the world are running every day because those cloud services work behind the scenes to to maintain uptime. So by any means, as a company or software engineer, you should manage your own environment(s) as needed, but you should also try not to limit yourself, and do not despair, you are in very capable hands with a cloud or hosting company.

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